Lost certificates

Lost Non-Accredited Certificates

In order to replace a lost non-accredited NATO STANAG 6001 certificate, examinees are required to send an email to the Language Testing Centre (nyelvvizsga_kozpont@uni-nke.hu). The fee of the replacement is 2,000 Hungarian forints, which is to be paid by bank transfer.

The information you need when you transfer the replacement fee is the following:

Please transfer the fee in Hungarian currency (Hungarian forints.)
The name of our university is: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
The official address is: 1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.
Account of the institution: Magyar Államkincstár 
IBAN number: HU46-10023002-00318259-00000000

When you transfer the fee, please write in the announcement window:
Your Name and STANAG certificate replacement


Lost State Accredited Certificates

Examinees who have lost their state accredited certificates will not be issued duplicate copies, but they can only obtain verification statements from the Language Accreditation Centre of the Educational Authority. The verification statement includes the number of the original certificate and the number of the language exam register. If you have lost your state accredited certificate and need a verification statement, you should contact the Language Testing Centre and we will send you information about how to obtain the statement from the Language Accreditation Centre.